Emil Holck Reimert (1997)
In Denmark we are blessed with a very unique design heritage, in which I find a lot of inspiration. Way too often pieces of furniture are being put into production, without a good understanding of craftmanship, or the materials being used. This unfortunately results in furniture in/of a poor quality and with a very short life span.
What the Danish Design heritage on the other hand has shown us, is that the foundation of all good design is, that the designer respects the craftmanship and the materials being used, because only by doing that, good furniture can be designed.
I believe that the Danish Design heritage is defined by that understanding, which kind of can be symbolized by a trinity between the designer, the craftsman and the materials, and that trinity I always pursue in my designs
2020 Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair
2019 FSC Design Award
2019 Climate – Change For A Sustainable Future
2018 FSC Design Award
2018 Skud På Stammen